Lingo Dictionary
-A- Aerial(surfing)- when the wave your
riding on your board goes above it in the air. Aggro- Getting aggressive. Alley Oop(Snow/Surfing)-Turning 180 in an
uphill direction. As if(Gen.)- Yeah right! No chance of an event happening. Ate It- Bit the dust, crashed, smashed,
blew it. Awesome- Cool, gnarly, wonderful, great job.
-B- Bail- To escape, leave or disband when the situation calls for immediate retreat. Backside-(surf/skate/snow)-
Turns or rotations in the direction your toes point to, so that your back is facing the outside of the arc... Backwards
Steamroller(biking)-Riding a bike backwards on the front wheel as the backwheel is up in the air. Beef- A problem with
someone, or wiping out while snowboarding or skateboarding. Beat- Messed up. Blasted(surfing)- wiping out. Blindside(snowboarding)-
A maneuver in which you have limited visiblity while doing a move. Blow the park- Leave, bail. Body Check(hockey)- use
of the body to slow down an offensive player. Bogus- Fake, wrong, lame. Bonk(Snowboarding)-to hit an object with your
board. Bongo- Get rid of. Bummer- Disappointment, buzz kill, huge let down. Bust- Just kidding. Busted- Caught
red handed.
-C- Caballerial(skateboarding)-
A halfpipe move beginning with a fakie, a 360 spin, landing forward. Ca-Ching!(Gen.)-Show me the money! Catching Oxygen-
Catching major air (Verb: Oxygenating). Chewed beef- A big time wipeout Corkscrew(snowboarding)- Any air rotation off-axis. Crank-
Leave, ditch. Critical Section(surfing)-the hardest part of the wave to ride. Crunch the biscuit- Call it off.
-D- Da Bomb(Gen.)-the best, really great.
-E- Eggplant(snowboarding)- A one handed 180 degree backside rotated invert in which
the front hand is planted on the lip of the half pipe wall. El Rollo(Bodyboarding/skateboarding)- A 360 roll with the
lip of the wave.
-F- Fakie(Snowboarding)- Riding backwards.
Flail(Gen.)- Loss of all control. Flips(skateboarding)- hard flips, kick flips, 360 flips, varials. Frontside(skate/snow/surf)-
turns or rotations in the direction your heels point to outside of the arc.
-G- Goofy-footed(skate/snow/surf)- Riding with the right foot in forward position. Googly-eyed-
Scared. Googly- Excellent, huge. Grind(skateboarding)- Sliding along the edge of a wall or other object with the trucks
of your board. Grommet(surf)- A young surfer.
-H- Halfpipe(skate/snow)- wooden ramp built for skating. Heelflips(skate)- flipping the board w/the
heel of the foot while doing an ollie.
-I- Infinity rolls(biking)- Spinning in
circles using the momentum of your feet of the back pegs of your bike.
-J- Juicy- Nice, sweet.
-K- Kickflip Ollie(skateboarding)- flip initiated by the toes giving the board a quick kick. Kook(Gen.)- dork, beginning
-L- Lame(Gen.)- weak, bad, bland. Later!(Gen.)-
See ya, good bye. Lip- (surf): The crest of a wave. (skate/snow): sloping on a ramp or a bowl. Lull(surfing)-
Time between rideable waves.
-M- Maximum Airation- Maximum air. McTwist(skate/snow)-
An inverted aerial with a 540 rotational flip.
Most Kilohana(Tito)- The best. Most Excellent.
-N- Nolliekickflip(skate)- Ollie off the nose of a skateboard. Nose(skate)- front
of a board.
-O- Ollie(skate)- catching air by popping
the tail and kicking the nose. Ottomatic- Making hard moves look easy and effortless (for Otto).
-P- Poser(Gen.)- Someone who tries too hard to be what they're not.
-R- Rockwalk(bike)- using a backwheel spin in 180 degree cycles. Reggie-O-Laciousize-
Making hard moves look easy and effortless (for Reggie).
-S- Save(hockey)- stop by a goalie. 720 Air(skate/snow)- 720 degree rotation in the air and
landing forwards. Shoobies(beach lingo)- Tourists and beach newcomers that spoil the waves for the locals. Sick(surf/snow)-
Really great. Silly- Cool. Stoked(Gen.)- Really happy, excited.
-T- Tail(skate)-back of a skateboard. Tasty curl- Nice wave. This sitch got way bummed-
This is out of control. Thrashed(Gen)- Exhausted/damaged Tight biffs- Persistant attempts.
-W- Wacked(Gen.)- messed up. Whoa!(Gen.)- Wow! Wipe out(surf)- See beef. |